Hoosier Tire Midwest

About Hoosier Tire Midwest

Hoosier Tire Midwest, Inc. was founded over 50 years ago as D&M Speed Shop by Dorothy and Mike Allgaier. Originally operating from an apartment they later relocated to several different locations in Springfield, growing with each move.


Today, the company has become the largest racing tire distributor in the world selling exclusively Hoosier Racing Tires and operating in two states from three locations.


With the addition of the world wide web we are able to service the entire Continental United States. The only exception to this is on oval track asphalt and oval track dirt products which are restricted to us selling in the following states: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Northern Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Western Ohio and Wisconsin Dirt Products.

You can order Hoosier Racing Tires by Calling One of 3 Hoosier Tire Midwest Locations:

Hoosier Tire Midwest Plymouth, IN - 574-936-8344

Hoosier Tire Midwest Brownsburg, IN - 317-858-1234

Hoosier Tire Midwest Springfield, IL - 217-522-1955

Reserve the tires you'll need for your next event!